II Economy of Francesco POrtugal Conference


Proceedings of the II Economy of Francesco Portugal Conference
This Code of Ethics and Conduct of The Second Economy of Francesco Portugal Conference (EoF Portugal) aims to highlight and reinforce the ethical values and principles that guide the conduct of its activities. Given its scientific and educational vocation, the information contained in this Code is closely linked to EoF Portugal's commitment to the dissemination of impactful scientific research that can positively influence a better world with ethical commitment and responsibility.
There are 12 research areas covered: Management and Gift; Finance and Humanity; Work and Care; Agriculture and Justice; Energy and Poverty; Business and Peace; Women for Economy; CO2 of Inequalities; Vocation and Profit; Business in transition; Life and Lifestyle; and Policies for Happiness. However, other works are welcome for the free theme, thus reinforcing the invitation to people from all areas.
Given one of our pillars of including and not excluding, The Second Economy of Francesco Portugal Conference will not charge any fees to authors and/or participants. All abstracts will be peer-reviewed and those accepted will be published in the proceedings of the event. After the event, we intend to send the event's minutes for indexing by Web of Science, Scopus and others.
The Proceedings of The Second Economy of Francesco Portugal Conference will be published in 2025, after the date of each EoF Portugal’s Conference. The EoF Portugal Conference will be an annual event open to the entire interested community.
This Code is based on recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. We suggest a careful reading to understand the basic guidelines established in this Code. All other commitments expressed by EoF Portugal's Conference through rules and policies are also in line with and inspired by this set of values.
Ethical Guidelines for Publication
The EoF Portugal Conference is committed to the highest standards of scientific procedures and strictly follows the ethical principles that guide scientific research. To achieve the objectives of the conference, the EoF Portugal Conference has established the following ethics guidelines for publication:
Ensure that all members of the EoF Portugal Conference Scientific Committee are aware of their role as multiplier, defender and practitioner of this Code.
Ensure ethical conduct in all processes involving submission and double-blind peer-review system.
Ensure integrity, impartiality, confidentiality and transparency in the scientific certification process of manuscripts submitted for EoF Portugal Conference.
Ensuring ethical conduct, integrity, impartiality, transparency and agility in communication with the various actors involved in the processes of submission, evaluation, preparation and publication of the Proceedings of The Economy of Francesco Portugal Conference.
Ensuring ethical conduct, integrity, impartiality, transparency and agility in communication with the various actors involved in the processes of submission, evaluation, preparation and publication of the Proceedings of The Economy of Francesco Portugal Conference.
Establish and manage conflict of interest policies for the various actors that participate in the process of scientific certification and publication of the Proceedings of The Economy of Francesco Portugal Conference.
Define and implement prevention and sanction policies for situations of ethical misconduct.
Protect and preserve intellectual property rights.
Constantly strengthen the editorial independence of the EoF Portugal Conference
Scientific Committee Responsabilities
The Editor-in-Chief of the Scientific Committee of the EoF Portugal Conference is responsible for deciding which manuscripts can be accepted and published in the Proceedings of The Economy of Francesco Portugal Conference. The members of the Scientific Committee of the EoF Portugal Conference support the tasks of the editor-in-chief and assist in the decisions.
The Scientific Committee is responsible for reinforcing, together with the academic and scientific community, the practice of ethical conduct in all processes that involve the submission, peer review and publication of the conference proceedings. The members of the Scientific Committee are not authorized to use, under any circumstances, privileged information to which they have access and must alert the editor-in-chief about possible conflicts of interest that may harm the integrity of their performance as a member of the Scientific Committee of the EoF Portugal Conference.
The Scientific Committee of the EoF Portugal Conference must follow the following guidelines:
Ensure ethical conduct in all processes that involve scientific review and certification of the manuscript submitted to the conference.
Alert the editor-in-chief about similar manuscripts published or submitted for publication and/or any other information relevant to meeting ethical standards in the publication.
Ensure confidentiality, impartiality and integrity in carrying out the evaluation of the manuscript.
Do not use, under any circumstances, privileged information, to which you had access as a member of the Scientific Committee.
Suggest reputable reviewers, directly related and active in the specific area of the manuscripts submitted for publication.
Effectively contribute to the improvement of the manuscript, encouraging reviewers to critically review the work, improving and complementing the respective opinion(s).
Follow the evaluation deadline agreed with the editor.
Alert the editor-in-chief of potential conflicts of interest that undermine the integrity of the review process.
Authors Responsabilities
The authors are responsible for the completeness of the content of the manuscripts submitted to the EoF Portugal Conference. We recommend that before submitting the manuscript, authors carefully read the following guidelines:
Ensure the integrity of the data presented in the manuscript.1.
Ensure the authenticity and originality of your manuscript.
Ensure proper citations and source identification when using third-party materials.
Ensure that your manuscript does not contain any libellous or defamatory statements and that it does not infringe any third party's intellectual, commercial or industrial property rights.
Ensure that your manuscript is not under review at another conference.
Declare any potential conflicts of interest generated by your manuscript.
Immediately report to the editor if you identify flaws in the manuscript and contribute to the immediate correction, either before publication and/or with the publication of errata, when the error is identified after publication of the conference proceedings.
The author who submits the article, who is the main author, must ensure that the authors who sign the work submitted for publication have effectively contributed to its creation and elaboration.
Make sure that the subject of the manuscript is related to the purposes of the EoF Portugal Conference.
Make sure the content and format of your manuscript meet the standards established by the EoF Portugal Conference.
Peer-review Process and Reviewrs' Responsabilities
All manuscripts submitted to the Eof Portugal Conference and published in the Proceedings of The Second Economy of Francesco Portugal Conference are subject to a double-blind peer-review system. The Eof Portugal Conference commitments with high standards of scientific quality. The peer-review process depends to a large extent on the trust and willing participation of the scholarly community and requires that everyone involved behaves responsibly and ethically. Peer reviewers play an important role in ensuring the integrity of the scholarly record. The reviewers of the EoF Portugal Conference are independent and highly qualified professionals in the research areas of interest to the event. All reviewers of the Scientific Committee of the EoF Portugal Conference are Ph.D. and develop scientific research that contributes to a better world and is in different places of the world, such as Portugal, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Brazil, and others.
The commitment of the EoF Portugal Conference Reviewers:
Position itself as a reference in terms of ethical conduct and integrity.1.
Ensure confidentiality, impartiality and integrity in carrying out the evaluation of the manuscript.
Do not use, under any circumstances, privileged information to which you had access as a reviewer.
Contribute to the effective improvement of the paper, with critical and constructive opinions.
Meet the evaluation deadline agreed with the editor.
Alert the editor of potential conflicts of interest that undermine the integrity of the review process.
Alert the editor of similar works published or submitted for publication.
The scientific review process of the manuscripts begins with a preliminary analysis by the editor of the Scientific Committee of the EoF Portugal Conference. If the manuscript complies with the standards established for the conference, the editor will send it for analysis by at least two reviewers in the blind review process. The reviewers will analyze the manuscripts according to the standards established by the Scientific Committee of the EoF Portugal Conference. The reviewers will respond to the editor with their recommendations about the manuscript. The editor will decide if the manuscript will be accepted, rejected, or requested for review.
The standards established by the Scientific Committee of the EoF Portugal Conference consist of evaluating manuscripts with the following aspects:
Relevance of research to a better world.
Importance of the research topic.
Organization and presentation of the manuscript.
Quality and clarity of communication.
Theoretical and practical contributions.
Overall quality.
Publication Ethics
The EoF Portugal Conference is committed to the highest quality standards of scientific procedures and strictly follows the ethical principles that guide scientific research. The Scientific Committee of the EoF Portugal Conference will not tolerate violations of ethical principles or misconduct by participants. This Code is based on the policies established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for situations of ethical misconduct.
We recommend knowing the guidelines for situations of ethical misconduct established for the EoF Portugal Conference:
Suspected duplicate publication.
Suspected excessive similarity or plagiarism.
Suspected fabrication or invention of research data.
Authorship changes (inclusion/exclusion).
Suspected “ghost”, “guest” or “gift” authorship.
Suspected conflict of interest not declared by the author.
Suspected ethical problem in the submitted manuscript.
Suspected inappropriate use of information by the reviewer.
Suspected violation of rights or laws.
Suspected use of inappropriate or prohibited data.
In case of suspected violation of rights and ethical misconduct, the EoF Portugal Conference will initiate an investigation procedure with the right to full defense of those investigated. The Scientific Committee of the EoF Portugal Conference will be responsible for conducting the investigation and if the violation of rights and ethical misconduct is proven, the EoF Portugal Conference reserves the right to withdraw manuscripts from the conference proceedings, publish corrections, retractions, revisions, apologize and replace reviewers and editors.
If there are doubts about the procedures of the Eof Portugal Conference regarding the violation of ethical standards, we also suggest consulting the procedures established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) / Flowcharts.
Copyright and Access
The EoF Portugal Conference is committed to contributing to the protection of the author's intellectual rights. In that regard, adopts similarity detection software and actions to combat plagiarism and ethical misconduct, in line with the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
All authors will receive an e-book (PDF) version of the Proceedings of The Economy of Francesco Portugal Conference of the current edition.
Official Website and Contact of EoF Portugal Conference
The official website of the EoF Portugal Conference is https://eofportugal.wixsite.com/second
You can contact the EoF Portugal Conference by email eofportugalconference@gmail.com
The official website of the First EoF Portugal Conference is www.eofportugal.wixsite.com/first