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Brother Rodrigo Péret, OFM. is a Franciscan brother, graduated in Civil Engineering from the Kennedy Engineering Faculty, in Belo Horizonte (Brazil) and graduated in Philosophy and Theology from the Pontificia Facoltà Teologica dell'Italia Meridionale Sezione San Tommazo d'Aquino, Naples (Italy). He is an advisor to the Special Commission on Integral Ecology and Mining of the Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB), member of the executive coordination of the Inter-Franciscan Service for Justice, Peace and Ecology (SINFRAJUPE), of the Conference of the Franciscan Family in Brazil (CFFB), he has worked for about 37 years directly with Earth issues at the Pastoral Land Commission (CPT), he is a member of the board of the Pan-American Network Iglesias y Mineria and of the coordination of the Dialogue of the People's Network - Latin America/ Africa.

Brother Rodrigo coordinates the international articulation of animators of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation and Mining, based in Rome, for the consecrated religious life, in addition to being a member of Franciscans International, a non-governmental organisation (NGO) with General Consultative status at the United Nations (UN).


Professor Américo Mendes is a PhD in Economics (University of Arizona - USA, 1995). Certificate of Higher Studies Specialized in Economics and Strategy of Rural Development (University of Aix-Marseille II - France, 1980. Degree in Economics (University of Aix-Marseille III - France, 1979). Associate Professor at Católica Porto Business School at UCP. Director of the Postgraduate Course in Management of Social Economy Organizations at UCP (Porto). Coordinator of ATES - Transversal Area of Social Economy at UCP (Porto). Senior Technician of the North Region Coordination Commission in the area of integrated rural development (Dec. 1980 - Dec. 1993). Leader and voluntary collaborator of social economy organizations since 1980. Research Areas: Economics and Social Policy and Forestry Economics and Policy.

Renato Santiago is a researcher in the field of economics. His interests include the areas of sustainable and inclusive development, with his studies being primarily focused on the Latin America and Caribbean region. He is co-author of the book “Physical Capital Development and Energy Transition in Latin America and the Caribbean”. Renato holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Beira Interior." He has articles published in international journals in the areas of economics and sustainability.

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